
Photo by Vishnu Mohanan on Unsplash

Open Source Projects

The bulk of my open source work in recent years has been on .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms. But I've accumulated a few side projects over the years, too. They can all be found on my GitHub profile.


A few years back I found I needed a simple way to get upload files from a Windows CI server to Dropbox; this spawned a small command-line utility called PneumaticTube.

GTD Stuff

I'm a big fan of Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen. After years of keeping my next actions and projects in Outlook, I moved to the simpler Todo.txt format. I loved the idea of the script for easily working with the Todo.txt format from the command line, but I'm mostly a Windows guy. Rather than install Cygwin, I created a version of the command line interface in Powershell; I still use this daily. I also created a version for Windows Phone (RIP) that I maintained until that platform died. Both projects parse the text files using a .NET library I created.

Chat Bots

I've worked on a couple of projects which use HipChat for collaboration, and I wanted a helpful chatbot to handle some tasks. So I contributed to XmppBot-for-HipChat and wrote several plugins to extend it.


I also created a library to make converting between units of measurement easier, especially when dealing with different systems and inconsistent names and abbreviations.

Writing and Speaking

I occasionally write about programming (and other stuff) on my blog.

I wrote about embedding Xamarin.Forms in native apps for the Xamarin blog.

In 2011 I gave a talk at the Boulder Silverlight Users Group - Reactive Extensions and Remote Automation with Windows Phone 7. Materials from the talk can be found here.